Fishing is Improving! Keepers being caught.

Fishing has improved dramatically over the last few days. Last night we heard of a dozen keepers being caught. Isn’t it amazing how these fish show up in major schools? One day, everyone is talking, wondering, hoping…the next everyone is sharing the stories that provide the spark to the rest to go wet a line. Keepers were caught off the South Shore from Cisco to Surfside and were caught along the North Shore and in both Harbors. Very fun morning in the shop this morning, with all of these reports coming in. As is not suprising, it was mostly metals on the South Shore with a few weighted jig heads and on the North Shore it was a mixture of metals and soft plastics. A new lure that a few have tried out and many should put into their tackle box is the “long-shot” bomber. This is a weighted bomber that casts more like a bluefish plug, but swims like a traditional bomber. This is sure to be a game changer on the beach.


As far as bluefish, Capt Cam caught the first blue last Sunday and many more have been reported this week, with Capt. Marc of Just Do It catching 6 yesterday on one trip. All of these fish have been on the North Shore between the Jetties and Dionis. For the most part these fish are pushing bait right now. Bluefish were also spotted and caught off the tip of Great Point this morning. Our good friend Bill Wittenberg hooked up with small three pounder under a pod of birds 200 yards from the point proper. The bait is there for sure and as more fish enter into the fishery, they will move from the safe/warm waters off Dionis/Coatue to the food rich fishery of Great Point.


The other fun fish for those looking for table fare and a bent rod is the Black Sea Bass. The fishery is open and those fishing the jetties and various wrecks around the island are reporting catching solid numbers. Long and short our fishery is turning on and waking up. More fish should be showing up everyday. As exciting as all this is, remember we are far away from the peak and that these fish are fresh off of migrating North and they are the tip of the spear. They are exhausted, so expect them to be lethargic and fish accordingly. They are hungry, too, but fish slowly and deliberately and know that they are resting a good part of the day/night so get down to them and knock them on the head. That being said, they are hungry, so a flash will spark a bite. This is why we love metals early in the year.


Our last suggestion to those wanting to get their boats running, go fish off of Tuckernuck and Muskeget as these fish are mostly coming in from offshore and will touch the islands and the sandbars around them before they push to the North Shore.


Most importantly, go enjoy this, the first fish of the season is always memorable.